Need to understand the context of Pakistan before the guidance was developed. Portugal is 45th in GDP rankings and Pakistan is 46th but Portugal has only 10 million people compared to 190 million people.
FIRST key question that we asked was why is guidance needed.
Energy scarcity is such that focus was on distribution the limiters energy and that any thing is acceptable anywhere to bring more energy production online. This has generated concern on air pollution.
Water scarcity is also a big issues.
Three different power plant projects being considered.
Key concern was engaging with communities and stakeholders so that there was ownership of guidance.
Very diverse culture and landscape.
Very complex and complicated country.
Lack of strategic thinking. An SEA of the energy sector or if coal fired power plants is a critical need.
In Pakistan there were 'two' governance and the governance of everything else. Environmental governance is not integrated. So people in environmental governance are strong on environmental protection but the other parts of government are not.
An IAIA Affiliate may be an important way of contouring the work that has already been undertaken.