Capturing vulnerability using open data and GIS

Women's health and extractive industries in Northern British Columbia.

Violence against women is a big issue.

Gold mine near Fort St James in northern part of BC.

EIA seen as a regulatory hurdle and does not look at health issues in detail.

Currently data sharing agreement reached and community research advisory board set up

Communit health baseline has been developed.

Commercial sex became. a big issue that included these women being murdered.

Communities have universities to do research and impact assessment work on the impact of mining on these communities.

Increased vulnerability of women and youth?
Increased crime
Increased pressure on health care services

Four indicators being used
General health status
Endemic violence
Substance misuse
Women's vulnerability

Hoping to develop a social vulnerability index to focus mitigation and monitoring.

A gap in knowledge and practice
not significant 

Use this information to understand context and assess risks.

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