IAIA15: EU Impact Assessment Systems: to which extent a global model

EU Impact Assessment process has developed over the last decade and 80% of impact assessmenst are sent back for further improvement when first submitted.

No explicit health dimension in regulatory and policy level impact assessment.

SEA Directive: strengths, weakneses and applicability beyond EU
SEA Directive is a framework not a blueprint i.e. minimal standards, non-procedural, national transposition with additional requirements.

Impact-centred SEA approach - not so much applicable to policies.

10,000 SEAs undertaken to date!

Plans and programs at national, regional, local and transboundary levels and their amendments.

Sets framework for carrying out EIA.

Undertaken before plan or programmes adopted - becoming ex ante.

Tiering provisions avoiding duplications in assessments is increaisngly being used.

Scoping consultations and nevironmental and health authorities - arrangements and quality vastly differs.

Anlysis requires:
Dynamic baeline
Relevant environmental problem
Relationship with environmental policy objectives
More and more assessment of health and consideration fo transboundary impacts alongside transboundary impacts (alongside environmental impacts).

Environmental and increasingly health authorities.

Decision making and follow up:
Outcomes of consultations and SEA report are taken into account.
Adopted PP
How were SEA outcomes considered.

SEA increasingly looked at during funding applications for major projects. Ex ante conditionality of capacitybuilding for EIA and SEA in countries where projects are situated.

Example of an SEA in Turkey.

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