Dear fellow HIA practitioners, esteemed colleagues and friends,
I have the great pleasure in informing you about the 13th International Conference on Health Impact Assessment which is being held in Geneva, Switzerland between 2 to 4 October 2013.
This event is being co-hosted by the University of Geneva, WHO and Health Promotion Switzerland.
This is an important opportunity for the HIA community to come together and take stock of recent progress with HIA uptake and utilization in different policy and development related contexts.
Particular focus will be given to the role of HIA as an instrument in facilitating the attainment of Health in All Policies objectives agreed to at the 8th World Conference on Health Promotion which took place in Helsinki in June of this year.
Conference participants will include impact assessment practitioners, representatives of academic institutions, and some individuals from government agencies charged with commissioning and oversight of health impact assessment activities.
For more details about the conference, see here a link to the website which contains more information about the programme, registration process, and invited speakers
I look forward to seeing you there!
Regards and best wishes,
Carlos Dora, MD, PhD.
Co-ordinator Public Health and the Environment Department
World Health Organization Switzerland
The full conference URL is